Virtual Personal Assistant

Virtual Assistant – When & Where You Need It

Research & Analytics Services

Creating graphs and charts

We can create charts and graphs that suits your need and type of charts that need to be created based on information given.

Price and product comparisons

We can provide product and pricing comparison to help you identify the right product for your company of for you personally at the required cost.

Research and reports

We can assist in setting up mini research to help you find the best possibility that helps you to increase efficiency and effectiveness in your work.

Travel and vacation research

We have vast experienced in booking and planning a trip in our daily work. We would be able to plan a trip that is suited to your budgets, location, your preferences or anything, just name it, we would be able to find a lovely place for you.

Data entry

You’re eyes getting tired of having to key thousands of financial data or reports? Or your temporary staff seems to get tired and left all the work without coming back the next day? Don’t worry, we can settle it for you. We started our work as a data entry in financial institution. We are very good at what we are, we have keyed in thousands of sales in the system. Now we are glad to do it again for you.

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